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Idol - Small Hanumanji 3"
An idol represents an ideal. And most of us have a favourite God who we worship. Here is ..
Idol- Small Hanumanji 5"
An idol represents an ideal. And most of us have a favourite God who we worship. Here is ..
Idol: Ganesha Metal Enamelled - Big
On the most auspicious day of Ganesh Chaturthi, bring home more than just a decoration...welcome a ..
Idol: Ganesha Metal Enamelled - Small
On the most auspicious day of Ganesh Chaturthi, bring home more than just a decoration...welcome a ..
Mala: Sphatik (Quartz Stones) - 108 (6-7mm) Beads
The beads on this sphatika mala (made of Quartz stones) are crystal clear and are perfectly aligned..
Night Light - Ganesha Engraved, Plug-in
This multicolour fancy night lamp is extremely cool. It is the perfect night light for everyone from..
Night Light - Shiva Engraved, Plug-in
This multicolour fancy night lamp is extremely cool. It is the perfect night light for everyone from..
Night Light - Sidhbari Hanuman Engraved, Plug-in
This multicolour fancy night lamp is extremely cool. It is the perfect night light for everyone from..
Oil Lamp Sanchi - Brass
Oil Lamps have brightened our space since time immemorial. Here is a handspun Oil Lamp inspired by t..
Oil Lamp Sanchi - Copper
Oil Lamps have brightened our space since time immemorial. Here is a handspun Oil Lamp inspired by t..
Om Diya: Large 4"x5"
Beautiful brass Diya with Swami Chinmayananda’s signature Om.When lit and placed in front of a wall ..
Om Diya: Medium 3.5"x4.5"
Beautiful brass diya with Swami Chinmayananda’s signature Om.When lit and placed in front of a wa..
Om Diya: Small 3"x 4"
Beautiful brass diya with Swami Chinmayananda’s signature Om.When lit and placed in front of a wall ..
Om Lamp: Large 17.5"
Beautiful brass Lamps with Swami Chinmayananda’s signature Om.Can be lit with 1 or upto 5 wicks. Ca..
Om Lamp: Medium 14"
Beautiful brass Lamps with Swami Chinmayananda’s signature Om.Can be lit with 1 or upto 5 wicks. Can..